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Greetings Louisburg UMC,
I hope and pray that you have had a great week! 
Memorial day weekend is upon us. I hope that you will have some extra time this weekend with friends and family. The reason that we have Memorial Day is to remember those that gave their lives in service of our country. Be sure to thank veterans for their service and remember to honor those that have gone before us to keep us safe. 
In worship Sunday we will ask the question, "How far will you go?" On this Memorial Day weekend we will revisit the words of Jesus in John 15 and remember what it means for us to live for one another. Remember if you are out of town this holiday weekend you can join us via the live stream on our website, on You Tube, or Facebook. Too busy to join us live? You can always go back and worship later in the week as all our services are archived on the website at
Finally, as we move through this summer, we are preparing for the capital campaign in the Fall. This campaign will help us to move forward with the new building! The first step in this process is a series of listening sessions that I will be hosting in June. Each session will be the same, so you can sign up for just one of them. Each session will consist of three parts:
  1. Learning about and discovering our spiritual gifts
  2. Updates, discussion, and input around current ministries of the church
  3. Brainstorming and ideas for the future of our church, with the new building in mind 
Dates for these listening sessions will be announced soon!
Mark you calendars with these dates:
Kids Morning Out: June 11 & 25, 10am-Noon
Preschool Morning out: June 14 & 28, 10am-Noon
VBS: July 18-21, 6pm-8:45pm

See you Sunday!
Pastor Brad


Text Updates: LUMCTEXT to 913-521-5673